Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Just the Facts PleaseI just wanted to comment on all of the political fear-mongering, hateful lies that are constantly being sent by email, posted
on websites, and broadcast on radio and television. Lately, I've been bombarded with emails full of lies and misrepresentations
about President Obama and his administration by people who don't or choose not to check their facts. Everyone is definitely entitled
to their opinion, but I sure would like to hear opinions based on facts instead of lies, rumors and misrepresentations. I personally think President Obama has accomplished quite a bit in the short time he's been in office. When
I start a new job it takes me a good 6 months to figure out who's who and what's what. President Obama seems to be a
person who is willing to listen to suggestions, opinions, facts and do some homework before he makes a decision. I don't
see anything wrong with this. I don't necessarily agree with everything he's done or said, but I haven't seen signs
of anything malicious he's done or said. It appears to me that he's trying to take the best suggestions and advice offered
to make informed decisions. People who are opposing everything he is attempting to accomplish just for the sake of opposition
are being unproductive and wasting their time, my time and your time. I've already sent some of my ideas and opinions
to President Obama, my senator and my congressman as I have done with every administration since Ronald Reagan. I would
encourage everyone to do the same instead of whining, complaining, opposing everything, and spreading fear and hate, but never
offering anything useful or of value that will help the country as a whole. I want to encourage everyone to check
their facts on a couple of websites: www.whitehouse.gov and www.factcheck.org. Do your own research, read information for yourself and think for yourself. No hate mail...just the facts
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